Monday, February 16, 2009

My To Do List

So, you are all wondering how I keep busy now that I am an empty nester. It is quite easy, I watch TV and eat bonbons all day! I so would love to do that, but alas, life happens.
I had written a very long explanation of what I did all day. I had posted it. I had looked at it for a few days, and now I deleted it. You are wondering why did you delete it? It was too long of a list, and it was actually a little boring to read. So here is the abbreviated list:
*Cub Scouts
Each and everyone one of my hobbies, projects, callings etc. are very dear to me, I love them all!
So now, I will go back to my TV and bonbon dream. Maybe on a private little island. I wonder if my hubby will mind if I hire a cabana boy named Ricardo? LOL

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